Kegal balls are called a kegel exerciser. The word kegel usually refers to a method of exercising the love muscles, but it was named after a gynecologist Arnold Kegel, M.D. who invented the exercises. A person does these exercises for a number of reasons such as to improve bladder control.
Recommended by physical therapists and physicians. Ben wah ball exercises improve the strength of pelvic floor muscles, increasing bladder control.
Waterproof, hypoallergenic, and hygienic. No assembly required. Simple to clean. Includes easy instructions, silicone string for safe removal, and hygiene pouch.
Exercise Methods
There are several different ways to use it for kegel exercising. Here are some of the different methods for the smart balls which are a pair of kegel balls connected together with a cord at the end.
1. The most common, insert the balls inside and contract on them in repetitions. You can insert both balls or just one ball and leave the other one out.
2. Insert the balls and tug on the cord. As you tug on the cord, flex your muscles to keep the balls from being pulled out.
3. After putting the balls in, try to use your muscles to push the balls out without using the cord.
this design is without any idea about "with counter weights inside"and just solid kegel ball on a sting
ball diameter:3.5cm
EROKAY is a US registered trademark and all EROKAY items are manufactured in a FDA registered facility.
材料: 矽膠,ABS, 金屬球
尺寸: 最大直徑3.5厘米, 長19.8厘米
功能: 藝妓球,又名縮陰球,是用來輔助凱格爾練習的有效器具。通過凱格爾練習可以刺激生殖器區,增加該區域血液流量,提高陰部肌肉收縮能力,改善性功能。